soul healers

Music Instruction: play and listen to the inner flame
Family name: Bromeliaceae
Number of known species: 3590
Native: Tropical North and South America
Tropical West Africa
Grows: in frost – free areas of Australia
Flower Colours: pink/ red/ orange/ yellow
As healers
I was walking to the Atrium at the Sanctuary, Virginia – admiring all the colourful flowers that were greeting me. Suddenly I sensed that I was on my balcony in Melbourne, Australia admiring the flowering bromeliads. These flowering plants were given to me by my students many years ago. It was a gift of love from the refugee students who I taught English as a second language. They came from many countries and had many stories they wanted to share with me. They wanted to tell me of their perils and losses. They wanted to show their gratitude to their adopted country and to the teacher who helped them in their journey. Words could not express how they felt but the bromeliads did.
So here I am at the Sanctuary with the bromeliads’ healing energy.
Bromeliads’ healing energy embraces:
- surviving and adapting to a new environment
- feeling alone/ infertile/ powerless
- letting go of unfounded fear/ addictions/ blaming others
- working hard for little returns
- accepting the situation as it is
- reconnecting anew with people and working harmoniously as a group
- trusting and opening up to the deeper nature within
- being surrounded by all the love and support that is needed
- focusing on the inner flame
- bringing light and beauty to those around
Miriam Broder
Music: Echoes of Stillness – track 2 – Stillness 2
Kamal and Master Charles
Meditation Music Downloads – available for purchase – click here
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