a tool to heal all

Music Player Instruction: play and find balance with laughter
- physical/ aesthetic/ emotional surroundings
- parents’ state of being/ modelling
- cultural/ sub-cultural influences
- parents’ knowledge of the correlation between the child’s developmental/ humour/ chronological ages
- parents’ background – age/ socio- economic level/ ethnicity/ country of birth/ migration history/ employment status/ present place of residence
- parents’ experience/ knowledge of appropriate/ inappropriate humour
- parents’ concept of humour as a social activity – have fun/
share jokes/ play games/ watch funny movies
- acceptance of their child’s sense of fun and humour
- setting and having time for family/ personal laughter
- honouring the child’s sense of humour/ laughter/ observation/reaction
- having a safe/warm/ open home to laugh freely
Miriam Broder
Music: Now – Master Charles Cannon
Meditation Music Downloads – available for purchase – click here
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