healer of emotions

Music Instruction Player: play and feel the healing energy
Silver, the shiny metal. Silver, the oxidized metal.
Silver as coins, as jewellery, and as vessels. Used in wars and in acts of terror. Used to beautify, adorn and worship. You find it in stores, in markets and at temples.Silver catches your eye. It certainly caught my eye when as a child I saw the Yemenite males who immigrated to Israel making their filigree jewellery and items of worship. I was dazzled by the hilltribe people of Northern Thailand wearing their embroidered clothes in twined with silver bells. I loved and bought many pieces of silver jewellery created in Celuk, Bali. Most of all – I loved the balmy nights in Bali under the silvery moon.
Here I am in Virginia on one of my daily walks and I received a download “silver holds information”.
What does it mean? I said to myself and over a few days it unfolded.I was holding onto emotionally painful stories and felt the pain mainly in my teeth and jaw areas as well as in my right leg. I realized that the aches have come up again as I needed to heal the information and let it go.
I put on my oxidized silver earrings and in this process I started to experience changes in my energy field. I could feel the negative energy within me changing and I became more in tune with my surroundings. The pain eased and dissolved. I felt at peace as I let go of my old wounds.As time went by I started to look at the properties of silver and how it can help the body heal and environmentally expand the positive field.
Silver, deflects negativity and heals emotions. It is the metal that people can afford and the metal that is a protector for those who love sitting in wonder under the full moon.Miriam Broder
Note: The above post is my personal experience. Please consult a medical practitioner if feeling
Music: Into the Moment – track 2 – Beyond the Moment –
Steven Halpern and Master Charles
Meditation Music Downloads – available for purchase – click here
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