play and allow life giving energy to flow Feng = wind Shui= water Allow the life giving energy flow...
Leadership – a vision of harmony
listen to the leader within Leaders the symbolic soul of a group a path visionaries Skills for successful/harmonious leadership...
Harmony at Work
listen and allow the positive polarity to come forth Peace and harmony are contagious and it often begins with...
Harmony within Families
listen to the conscious interaction within a process a conscious intention Ways of fostering family harmony being in...
Harmony in Relationships
listen and explore the vibrational frequency Relationships are: a dance / a vibrational frequency a musical harmony a composition...
Harmony with Self
listen to the special space within Experiencing that HARMONY is your true nature: walk in nature/ notice all is...
Living in Harmony
listen while you align with the universe ability to peacefully co-exist with aspects of self that can’t agree...
listen while you reflect a combination of parts into a pleasing or orderly whole; congruity agreement in feeling,...
Totem Sayings
listen and re – connect with nature’s wisdom The true shaman, the true naturalist, works to reconnect conscious...