listen while you reflect a combination of parts into a pleasing or orderly whole; congruity agreement in feeling,...

Totem Sayings
listen and re – connect with nature’s wisdom The true shaman, the true naturalist, works to reconnect conscious...

The Sanctuary Totems
listen and surround yourself with Sourceful awareness Walking around the Sanctuary in Virginia I am surrounded by totems...

Harvest ritual for a totem plant
merge with the music as one blissful awareness thank the plant for its presence ask the plant’s permission to...

Using a totem pole to dismantle stories
you can play this meditative soundtrack to bring awareness to the story choose the story or stories to be...

Totem Poles for Healing
Totem Poles for Healing be clear why you’re using this technique honour the cultural symbols/colours that you are using understand...

Totem birds & trees
appearing at the Sanctuary BIRDS greeting on tree branches or flying by Blue Jay Communicating : fearlessness /truthfulness /curiosity/ intelligence/...

Totem Animals
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] You are strongly connected with Stay with you for life in the physical and spiritual world Recognizing your...

The ONE in the MANY Master Charles • word totem comes from the Ojibwa [aka Chippewa] word “ ototeman” meaning...