I am sitting in my sofa adjusting to the pain(not bad) and opening my heart and including the pain and...

Heart Sayings
One love, one heart, one destiny. Robert Marley Follow your heart and make it your decision. Mia Hamm ...

Master Charles’ Wisdom
….your heart as the centre of your being, the source point of your individuated consciousness….. …. the radiant heart,...

Heart Chakra Opening
How to recognize? being restless/ chest tightness/ upper back discomfort increased sensitivity to positive and negative emotions hyper sensitive more...

Anahata or Heart Chakra
Anahata – Sanskrit: unhurt / unstruck sound / unbeaten Fourth primary chakra Hindu Yogic/ Shakta/ Buddhist and Tantric traditions...

Tapping into Heart’s Intelligence
Gregg Braden Wisdom of the heart brings clarity from the highest self Focus on the heart with the intention of...

Heart Health
Heart suffers due to – issues of loss – deception – betrayal Results in diseases Emotional conditions damaging...

Heart – the Centre of Our Being
physical / energetic well-being connects with those around: subtle and human forms allows us to feel compassion / empathy /...

Heart Energy
a shift that is happening vibrational simple/ welcoming/ loving/ all giving/ all receiving feeling good and peaceful a joyous...