soul healers Music Instruction: play and renew your passion for life Botanical name – Prunus dulcis Family – Rosales –...

soul healers Music Player Instruction: play and feel supported Name meaning – Greek “kyklos – new circle Family – primulaceae...

The Crocus Spring’s First Flower
Susan Vessels Music Instruction: play and let your heart sing Little crocus still asleep In Winter’s deep dark earth Slowly...

soul healers Music Instruction: play and focus on the inner child Meaning – krokos – Greek/ Karkom – Hebrew/ kurkama...

soul healers Music Instruction – listen and feel the transformation Scientific name – Plumeria Family – Apocynaceae Grows – tropical,...

soul healers Music Instruction – play and look to the beauty within Latin/ Scientific name – Orchidaceae / Greek –...

soul healers Music Instruction: play and listen to the inner flame Family name: Bromeliaceae Number of known species: 3590 Native: Tropical...

soul healers Music Instruction: play and hear the bells Latin Name: Hyacinthoides – comes from Greek myth Colour – blue/...

soul healers Music Instruction: play and enjoy the flowers Family name – Liliaceae [Lily] Latin name – Tulipa – derived...

soul healers Music Instruction: play and feel the transformation Name: Cercis Canadensis Colour – pink Native – North East America...