listen and allow harmony in There is a secret that only real friends know, and it is this. All the...
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Harmony with Self
listen to the special space within Experiencing that HARMONY is your true nature: walk in nature/ notice all is...
Living in Harmony
listen while you align with the universe ability to peacefully co-exist with aspects of self that can’t agree...
listen while you reflect a combination of parts into a pleasing or orderly whole; congruity agreement in feeling,...
Totem Sayings
listen and re – connect with nature’s wisdom The true shaman, the true naturalist, works to reconnect conscious...
The Sanctuary Totems
listen and surround yourself with Sourceful awareness Walking around the Sanctuary in Virginia I am surrounded by totems...
Harvest ritual for a totem plant
merge with the music as one blissful awareness thank the plant for its presence ask the plant’s permission to...
Using a totem pole to dismantle stories
you can play this meditative soundtrack to bring awareness to the story choose the story or stories to be...