Music Instruction: play, relax and allow healing to take place People are like stained – glass windows. They sparkle and...
Chakra Healing Ritual
Music Instruction: play, relax and allow healing to take place Set the environment – find a quiet space/ use essential...
Chakra Healing for the Home
clean/ clear/ tidy/ declutter balance your space Music Instruction: play and balance your space Root Chakra – Muladhara kitchen/toilet/ basement/...
Chakra Destinations
visit energy vortexes around the world major power points mimic the chakra points in our bodies Music Instruction: play and...
Acupuncture – a chakra balancing experience
Music Instruction: play and feel the balance Lucy told me why don’t you have an acupuncture session to balance your...
Recipe 7th Chakra
Fresh Young Coconut Smoothie a perfect drink for a perfect day Music Instruction: play and enjoy the bliss Prep Time:...
7th Chakra Balancing Activities
Music Instruction: listen to the rhythm of life Surround yourself with the colour violet – clothes/ flowers/ food Balance the...
7th Chakra Crown Sahasrara
Music Instruction: play and be open to the experience Sanskrit Name – Sahasrara or thousand – petalled lotus Colour –...
Recipe 6th Chakra
Spiced red cabbage with prunes nourishment for the soul Music Instruction: play and be open to the experience Prep Time:...
6th Chakra Balancing Activities
Music Instruction: listen and take in the night sky Wear and surround yourself with the colour indigo Take time out...