(Use organic whenever possible) Dry Ingredients: 1 cup skinless almonds or walnuts 1 cup pecans 2 cups shredded coconut 1/2...
Conscious Living
Animal Sanctuary
Here infront of me I see a family of four white tail deer. Their tails wagging and their eyes watching...
A Mystical Path
I am here and it is now. I am at the entrance of the Synchronicity Sanctuary in Virginia. I have...
Seeking a Sanctuary
A sanctuary for the heart A sanctuary for the soul I’m looking and looking But can’t find it at all...
Find a Sanctuary
walking in the bush/ forest/park/along the beach creating a special space in your home/ garden focusing inwards / finding heart...
Traditionally a sacred/ holy place a shrine a safe and protected place for:humans legal/ religious/political/ right of asylum/ shelter/ humanitarian/...
Intention Quotes
Although actions may speak louder than words, it is our intentions that reveal our soul. Hal Elrod When you understand...
Be the beacon of light stay still connect to the field of intention let go of resistance / old habitual...
heal and be healed be open to the possibility of healing make your intention HEALING clear the environment / mind...
food to be shared I love hummus. It’s a dish of my childhood. A dish I would see at home,...
Live a Life you Love
Intention Affirmations Here and now I am aware, awake and joyous experiencing greater levels of magic, fun and creativity opening...